The 3 Best Invention Books To Read

I started reading invention books many years ago and now have an impressive library to consult. I recommend that new inventors do the same to broaden their knowledge about business in general and common sense inventing. The book topics in my library range from creativity and generating ideas to raising capital and branding products. To really understand and be successful as an inventor you need a wide range of knowledge. Invention books are the place to start.

I have chosen three books to discuss that I believe will be most helpful in developing the wide knowledge base you should be seeking. These books are probably not what you would expect. They are not the many invention process books that are most often recommended. Those types of books have some value but you are better off following the InventionPartner idea invention process. The books I have chosen to discuss include:

  1. Lightening In A Bottle
  2. Will It Fly
  3. Patent It Yourself

Lightening In A Bottle by David Minter and Michael Reid

Minter and Reid have put together an excellent book on creating new products. They do it by introducing a seven step process called idea engineering. This process creates a frame work for finding and flushing out ideas that have a much greater chance of success than the average 2% success rate.

This book is also deep on case studies that explain each step of their process by example. After reading their book a few years back I realized I had used a similar method while developing one of my most successful toy products. Once I recognized that fact I knew their process was solid and could achieve results. This book is a quick read at 198 pages and it has seven actionable steps you can follow.

Will It Fly by Thomas K. McKnight

This is the most complete book on evaluating product ideas and business models that I have come across. The entire premise of the book is to thoroughly evaluate your idea or business BEFORE you launch or invest. The book lays out 44 critical elements that have been statistically proven to impact the success of an idea.

This book teaches how to create a score card based on the 44 elements that can give you a go no go on the idea. Most importantly the score card will shed light on areas of your idea that need work or improvement if you are to be successful.

Use this book like the tool that it is and spend time on your idea before you spend too much money. You will be glad you did.

Patent It Yourself by David Pressman

Pressman sets the standard for DIY patenting with this book. Everything you need to know as an inventor on patents is in this book. It is being continually updated as well with new additions so the information is accurate and dependable.

Patent It Yourself covers it all from documenting your idea to provisional patents, patent searches to the PCT. I recommend this book as a reference book. I have not read it cover to cover nor do I need to. I always know that if I need to look up something on foreign patent rights or how to make patent drawings it will be in there. Get yourself a copy today.

Invention books are an important tool for aspiring and successful inventors alike. Always keep educating yourself.

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