Do You Have An Idea And Want To Know If You Are Entitled To A Patent? A Patent Search Is The First Step.

Dear Fellow Inventor,

If you are like me, you have ideas and want to know if they are worth pursuing or not. A patent search is the place to start for most inventors. There are many reasons why:

  1. If you cannot get a patent on your idea and you do not want to go into business selling the product, YOU NEED TO KNOW THAT INFORMATION, otherwise you could waste lots of time and money.
  2. You must do a patent search before filing for a utility patent.
  3. Don't reinvent the wheel...learn what others have done.
  4. Find out what your competition is doing.

A patent search is the fastest way to determine if your idea is viable or not. I recommend for most inventors to move on to their next idea if the idea is already patented.

You will save time and money by getting a search done first. Don't build a prototype and don't engage an expensive patent attorney until you have done your search. This advice alone could save you tens of thousands of dollars.

Now you can get an affordable patent search done in less than a week.

This process works for me and is how I invent products. If I cannot get a patent, I move on. It is that simple. If the idea shows promise I then feel free to spend more time and money on the idea with the goal of selling a product or licensing the idea.

Click here to get your patent search now.

Our No Worries Guarantee

We guarantee that if your patent search is not completed in 1 week or less you will pay nothing.

There really is nothing to lose.

In fact, I've decided to give away the following one-time free bonuses. If you order now you will receive the following:

All the Best,

P.S. Now is the time to find out if your idea really is valuable by ordering your patent search now.

P.P.S. Remember by ordering now you will recieve the free bonus....

P.P.P.S. Not sure if you want to wait for a patent search? We guarantee 1 week service and turn around for your patent search. Order now.

$500. Typical fee charged for a professional patent search. “Most companies pay $500 or more to commission a professional search of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) records, to see if anyone has patented a similar idea.” (Len Strazewski, “Five vital steps in patent process,” Crain's Chicago Business, July 8, 2002)

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